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Awareness And How You Can Help

Happy Sunday you all and hope you are ready for the week that lies ahead. As you all know per my last blog post that this month is Turner Syndrome Awareness month. This week I wanted to continue on with how you can spread awareness in your community and be an advocate for research.

SocialMedia – yes we all have it and spend hours scrolling Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or making tik-tock videos, so why not use it to spread awareness right? Just a post sharing your story will help spread the word out its simple, free and effective.

Local Media – I know the idea of being on the news can be scary but it is an amazing way to spread awareness here is a link from my recent interview with KTIV NBC affiliate in Sioux City, Iowa ) It doesn’t have to be as big as an interview simply write a letter to the editor at your local newspaper about the need for awareness

Talk to your Government officials – I promise they are very willing to listen and to help you advocate and it is not as scary as you might think some of my friends are and they take this role very seriously

Wear it – The Turner Syndrome Foundation and Turner Syndrome Society have great swag so why not show your support by wearing it

Donate – Let’s be honest we all love our coffee drinks at Starbucks but in my case it Hawks in Sergeant Bluff,

IA and we would pay any amount to stay caffeinated or at least I would so why not take that same amount say $5 and donate it to raise funds for research. Now I am not saying give up your coffee I mean you want your coworkers to like you but donate if you can it would make a big difference.

These are just a few ways for you to have an impact there are many others find one that you are most comfortable with and have fun. I mean we are butterflies so let’s spread our wings and swore



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